
Found a bug in one of our products? Please provide us steps to replicate the issue and we will make sure it never happens again.


Our support staff is always willing to help you identify technical issues and give you tips on how to configure the extensions.

  3rd party products

Our extensions are tested to work flawlessly on a clean Joomla / WordPress installation. If they don't work with 3rd party extensions or templates, we can help you to locate the issue but we can't guarantee to fix the problem.


If your website is on localhost then there is little we can do to help you. In this case please upload your website to a live server before asking for support.

  Old versions

If you are using an older version of a product or an older version of Joomla / WordPress we can't help you unless you update to the latest versions.

  Existing errors

Our products will not work on a website with existing PHP or JavaScript errors.

If there are errors in your website caused by 3rd party extensions or templates, you must solve these errors before asking for support for our products.


All customizations are outside of support scope. We currently don't provide customization services.

  Server & Hosting

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to help you. You will have to sort it out with your hosting provider.

Help Us Help You

Support Guidelines
  Disable and purge cache
Before asking for support please disable and purge the cache. This is required. If cache is not disabled and purged we will not be able to help you.
  Admin log in
If the extension does not work properly on your website, super administrator login info is required in most cases. If you don't want to give us login info for your live website, you can set up a demo live website (duplicate) where we can identify and solve the problem. Before sending us the user login info please make sure that it works and that the user exists and is activated.
  Inadequate information
We can not provide support if you post single line questions without detailed description of the issue faced. Absence of links and/or login info will result in prolonged resolution time.
  Expired Subscriptions
We cannot guarantee that older versions of our products will continue to function indefinetely with the latest version of Joomla / WordPress or the latest versions of 3rd party extensions and templates. Support is available to paying customers with active subscriptions. If your subscription has expired and you need support, you must renew your subscription.
  Customized extensions
We can not provide support if you have customized the extensions or you have made changes to the core files of the extensions.
  Old Browsers compatibility
Are you still on IE11 and below? We only support modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge etc. We do not support any version of Internet Explorer.
  Automated email notifications
Please do not respond to the automated email notifications as these email responses are not monitored and will be ignored. Responses must be posted via the Help Center.