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404 with standard Joomla Smart Search

Benoit DAMEROSEPosted 1 year ago


When I search and find a question through standard Joomla Smart Search and click on it, i optain a 404 error.

Url called : .../index.php/component/faqbookpro/nouveaux-collaborateurs/question1

Call stack
# Function Location
1 () JROOT\libraries\src\Router\Router.php:153
2 Joomla\CMS\Router\Router->parse() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\SiteApplication.php:736
3 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\SiteApplication.php:224
4 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\CMSApplication.php:294
5 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT\includes\app.php:61
6 require_once() JROOT\index.php:32



5 answers

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi there,

This is probably because you have not created a menu item of type FAQ Book Pro > Section for each section.

In any case, I would need access to the site to be sure.

Benoit DAMEROSEPosted 1 year ago

The menu items have been created for each section.

I also created menu items for topics (i don't know if necessary)

But always 404 error.


I have the same error when I click on the topic link on back-end (capture enclosed)

Target url : ..intranet/index.php/faq-section-rh/faq-topic-1/nouveaux-collaborateurs-fr


Sorry the site is an intranet and i can't give you access for the moment.

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

I would like to help you, but I can't really do anything if I can't see the site.

Your menu items seem to be correct.

Benoit DAMEROSEPosted 1 year ago

Can you use TeamViewer to take control remotely ?

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Try to disable the menu items for Topics and then clear the indexer and run it again.