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Is this possible: public access to questions and answers, but only registered users can ask and answer

Peter WoudaPosted 1 year ago
Minitek FAQ Book Pro - Professional Subscription

Hi there,

I want to make alle topics, sections and questions make visible for all visitors (public), but the option to ask or answer a question should only be possible for registered users.

At this moment the menu item "sections" shows all the available sections, but when a public visitor of the site clicks on a section I get the error that he has no rights to view the page.

all sections, topics, questions and answers have "public" access .

Kind regards,




2 answers

MinitekPosted 1 year agoEdited 1 year agoModerator

Hi Peter,

Access to the sections is restricted because in the menu items, you have set the Access to Werkzoekende en -aanbieder. So, public visitors can't access these menu items.

You must first make these menu items public.

Then, in order to allow registered users only to post questions, you must go the component Configuration > Permissions:

1. For Public users, set the Create permission to Denied.

2. For Registered users, set the Create permission to Allowed.

Peter WoudaPosted 1 year ago

Thank you! It works fine now.