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Moving from a Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 website

Michael BanschbachPosted 2 years ago
Joomla! Extensions - Professional Subscription


I have been using my older Joomla 3 website with FAQ Book Pro for several years, but I don't have a lot of options to update it to Joomla 4.

I would like to know the best way to get the existing data into a new Joomla 4 website? I had seen from another ticket that you can import the database, but I was not sure if that works between Joomla 3 and 4 websites and what version of FAQ Book Pro would work on the Joomla 4 website?


Currently, I have on the Joomla 3 site:

FAQ Book Pro - Version 3.9.8
PHP version 7.4.33
mysl = 5.7.41
Joomla Version = 3.9.28


Currently, I have on the new Joomla 4 site:

PHP version 7.4.33
mysl = 5.7.41
Joomla Version = 4.2.6


Thanks, Michael


6 answers

MinitekPosted 2 years agoModerator

Hi there,

If it's a new Joomla 4 website or if you uninstalled FAQ Book v3.9.28 when you updated to 4, then unfortunately there is no tool available to import data to the database. You would have to do it manually and it would be very tedious work.

You should first update Joomla to v4 without uninstalling the component and then update the component to the latest v4 version.

Michael BanschbachPosted 2 years ago



I have not uninstalled anything, My old Joomla 3 website is still used for our primary website. It is still sitting with the last version of FAQ Book Pro 3.9.8 and I am also using your Live Search with version 3.57.

I have installed in a temporary folder a brand new Joomla 4 installation with the new template I will be using. I have only copied over the articles and menu structure, mainly for SEO purposes. I have not installed FAQ BOOK PRO or Live Search on this new Joomla 4 website

I have made a copy of the Joomla 3 website to test and update all extensions first. When I am sure it is operating correctly, I then make the updates to the primary website. When I feel all of the Components, Plugins, and template are Joomla 4 ready, I am going to attempt the Joomla 4 upgrade on the Joomla 3 website copy. Assuming all this goes correctly, I will have a fully functional version of the FAQ Book Pro on Joomla 4. The question is, any way to move this to a clean fresh Joomla 4 installation?

For the Live Search, I would imagine I just install a new Joomla 4 version on the clean new Joomla 4 website.

I apologize for where this question ended up, I forgot I had an old login and had used that instead of my live subscription login and as well not under the FAQ Book Pro forum heading.


Thanks, Michael


MinitekPosted 2 years agoModerator

Hi Michael,

You are correct about Live Search, v4 is a completely different extension so it can't be updated from v3.

About FAQ Book Pro, while there is no tool to import the database tables, you can do the following to move your existing content to a fresh Joomla installation:

1. Update your copy of Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 without uninstalling FBP (let's call this J4COPY).

2. Update FBP to v4 in J4COPY.

3. Go to phpMyadmin, find the database for J4COPY and export all the tables of FPB (#__minitek_faqbook_???????).

4. Create the fresh J4 site (J4NEW) and install FBP.

5. Go to phpMyAdmin, find the database for J4NEW and delete all the tables of FPB (#__minitek_faqbook_???????).

6. After you have deleted the tables, import the tables that you exported in step 3.

7. Change the prefix of the imported tables names so that it matches the J4NEW table prefix.

Michael BanschbachPosted 1 year ago



I have successfully migrated Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 and working on the development of the new template and website. I had not fully tested FAQ book pro but noticed something giving an error. This does not show on the front-end dashboard, but only if you drill down to a topic. It does not do the error on every topic, so I went into the Topic on the back end and opened it up. It showed an error on the author ID#.  I went into the Topic publishing tab and it showed 42 for which there was no user ID in the Joomla 4 or in the old Joomla 3. I updated it to my superuser and that fixed that part, but it still shows the error on the front end. I have attached a screenshot.


Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$author_name in /home/tpcpanel66/public_html/tpnaduplicate/components/com_faqbookpro/src/View/Topic/HtmlView.php on line 489

Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$author_name in /home/tpcpanel66/public_html/tpnaduplicate/components/com_faqbookpro/src/View/Topic/HtmlView.php on line 490

I can't seem to find anything else that would cause that. I suspect you will know immediately.


Thanks, Michael

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi Michael,

You must open each section, topic, question and answer in the back-end, and make sure that the author exists. You can change the author via the parameter Publishing > Created by.

Michael BanschbachPosted 1 year ago


I ended up having to do it straight in the Database since there were so many and most would not work through the front end and get hung up on hits. Many of them had the correct ID in the modified by the User, but a zero in the created by the user. I don't understand what happened, but it's back and working normally again.


Thanks, Michael