For search, you can install the FAQ Book Smart Search plugins and then use the default Joomla Smart Search component or use Minitek Live search for more advanced features and customization options.
You can find the FAQ Book Smart Search plugins at:
That's the only documentation that Joomla provides for Smart Search. Most of the info there is relevant for Joomla 4 too. Have you read the documentation an tried to setup Smart Search?
Michael SailerPosted 2 years ago
yes i install the plugin .. but there is no component.
MinitekPosted 2 years agoModerator
The component is installed in Joomla by default. It is called Smart Search and you can find it at
Yes, this is Joomla Smart Search. You must learn how to use it. I have already sent you the link to the Joomla documentation. I don't know how to help you with this. You must take the time and read how Joomla Smart Search works.
Michael SailerPosted 2 years ago
if there is no component - i can not learn how to use :(