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Minitek Wall Pro and Responsive Grid Update Joomla 5

Oskar DäumlingPosted 1 year ago
Joomla! Extensions - Professional Subscription

Hi Minitek, 


I already read that Minitek Wall Pro with its Extensions will be available for Joomla 5 in November which is great. 

How will be the update procedure, same as J3 to J4 which requires complete fresh Widgets, or is it just a update before updating to Joomla 5? 

The Resp. Gird already is J5 compatible how is the update procedure here? 




1 answer

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi there,

The extensions update from J4 to J5 will be much simpler. The widgets will remain and you will be able to update the extensions before updating to Joomla 5.