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Duplicate module

Patrick GaulinPosted 2 years ago

Hello, I did a video to help you to understand our problem. 

Thank you!!


4 answers

MinitekPosted 2 years agoModerator

Hi there,

The link does not work.

Patrick GaulinPosted 2 years agoEdited 2 years ago
Patrick GaulinPosted 2 years ago

Do you watch de loom video? waiting for your answer

MinitekPosted 2 years agoModerator

Hi Patrick,

Yes, I watched the video.

1. I still don't quite understand what you want to do. You want to display different images for articles depending on the module? If this is what you want to do, this is not possible. Joomla articles have only one image. The module can not assign different images to articles.

2. If an article has 2 tags and the article is displayed in the module, then both tags will appear on the filters, even if one of the tags is excluded in the data source.

The RGA module is a simple module with very limited filtering functionality.

I think that you should use Minitek Wall Pro instead. It is much more powerful with much better filter options.

I can give you a free subscription to test it if you want. If you prefer Minitek Wall, I will switch your subscription with no extra charge.