
Powered by Minitek FAQ Book


Number of items to displace or pass over.
Category filtering type
Include or exclude items from the selected categories.
Select categories (or leave empty to select all).
Children categories
Include or exclude items from children categories.
Tag filtering type
Include or exclude items from the selected tags.
Select tags (or leave empty to select all).
Team filtering type
Include or exclude items from the selected teams.
Enter the IDs of the teams, separated by commas (for example: 1,4,92).
Author filtering type
Include or exclude items from the selected authors.
Enter the IDs of the authors, separated by commas (for example: 1,4,92).
Date range
Displays items within a specific date range.
Start date
Enter a start date for the date range.
End date
Enter an end date for the date range.
Items IDs to exclude
Enter the IDs of the items to be excluded, separated by commas (for example: 1,4,92).
Only featured
Show only featured items.
Frontpage items
Select visibility of frontpage items.
Order by
Items will be ordered by this field. If random ordering is selected, pagination must be disabled otherwise the widget will display duplicate items.
Ordering direction
Sorts items in ascending or descending order.
Image type

The item image type.

  • Article image: First image found in the Media library of this item.
  • Inline image: First image found in item content.
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