
Powered by Minitek FAQ Book



This feature is available only in Pro version.

Pagination type PRO

The pagination type. Minitek Wall has the following pagination options:

  • Load more button: Appends more items at the bottom of the widget.
  • Arrows: Creates multiple pages where you navigate to via arrows.
  • Pages: Creates multiple pages where you navigate to via pages.
  • Infinite scroll: Automatically appends more items at the bottom of the widget as you scroll down the page.
Start limit
Number of items to load on first page.
Page limit PRO
Number of items to load on each additional page.
Global limit PRO
Total number of items. When this limit is reached, pagination stops.
Remaining items PRO
If pagination is set to Load more button, the number of remaining items will be displayed inside the load more button.
Reset button PRO
Adds a reset button next to the pagination buttons. When this button is clicked, all active filters and sortings are discarded and the wall reverts back to its original state.
Scroll to top PRO
Scrolls to the top of the widget container after loading a new page (does not apply for Load more button and Infinite scroll.
Arrows style PRO
Icon set for the arrows pagination.
Background color PRO
The background color of the pagination button.
Text color PRO
The text color of the pagination button and the arrows color.
Border radius PRO
Border radius that will be applied to pagination buttons (round edges), in pixels.
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