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Update failure, database bug?

Carst KomdeurPosted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

I updated Minitek Wall Pro to multiple of my websites, and all got this Database error. In frontend and backend I can't reach to the widgets anymore which causes a 403 error.

This is one of the errors:
Table '#__minitek_wall_widgets' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__minitek_wall_widgets AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS uc ON WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1) Table '#__minitek_wall_widgets' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT,, a.source_type_id, a.type_id, a.source_id, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.state, AS editor FROM #__minitek_wall_widgets AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS uc ON WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1) ORDER BY desc LIMIT 0, 20 Table '#__minitek_wall_widgets' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__minitek_wall_widgets AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS uc ON WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1)

Hope you can help me to fix this asap.
I did a reïnstall on another website, but there the widget was gone and I had to start over again.

Regards, Carst

1 answer

MinitekPosted 7 years agoModerator
Hi Carst,

As described in the documentation:

Versions after 3.2.0 are completely rewritten. You can not upgrade from versions prior to 3.2.0. You must uninstall any previous version before installing any version after 3.2.0 (both the component and the module). Old data will be deleted.

If you install any version later than 3.2.0 over version 3.1.x of Minitek Wall the component will not be properly installed.

This error is generated when you update over a version older than 3.2.0.
In order to fix it, you must completely uninstall the component and module and install again.