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Content Notifications for Public users?

Martin BeaumontPosted 1 year agoEdited 1 year ago

Hi there - Is is possible to create content notifcations for public (non-logged in) users?

Ideally I'd like a subscribe button to allow folks to subscribe to my content without needing to create an account.

I'm using shortcode {mcnotifications layout="default" option="com_content" category="auto" category_params="f,b,e,t"}

I've given the Public user group the Allowed rights to View Subscribe Buttons and Subscribe however I only see the Follow title, no signup box?

If this is a plugin only for users with accounts then it seems I've bought the wrong thing :-(


6 answers

MinitekPosted 1 year agoEdited 1 year agoModerator

Hi there,

Make sure that the Guest group also has rights to View Subscribe Buttons and Subscribe.

Martin BeaumontPosted 1 year ago

Hi there,

Thanks - yes they do. They inherited those rights from Public but I have also specifically allowed those rights to the Guess group.

Still no luck.

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Please send me back-end access to have a look.

Martin BeaumontPosted 1 year ago

I've updated the original post and completed the login info section with relevant details.

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Where can I find your shortcode in the back-end?

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

I found it. I made some changes to the shortcode and it should be ok now. You had entered a category shortcode, but the page is an article, so you must use the parameters: item="auto" and item_params="f,b,e,t".