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Date invisible + text outside box in theme Fancy

Dag EkebergPosted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago
To problems with Fancy:

1. I have enbled DATE but it is shown in black text on black background. Please check quickly, I don't want my frontpage to look like this for a long time.

2. On smaller screens, the title runs out through the right hand side of the picture. Seems there is no padding set for the right hand side

3 answers

MinitekPosted 7 years agoModerator
These issues are caused by your template. You can fix them by adding the following css in your template:

.mix-extra .mix-date {
  color: #bbb; /* Or any other color */

.theme_fancy.mix-grid .inner-mix {
  box-sizing: border-box;
Dag EkebergPosted 7 years ago
Great, thanks for the quick reply. Works fine!

Originally, I had wanted to use the Minimal theme, but then I would need to make the title appear in black color. As you (perhaps) know, real news sites only use black (or white on black) titles. But since you don't want questions about customization, I couldn't ask :)
MinitekPosted 7 years agoModerator
I am always willing to help for minor changes. Feel free to ask. :)