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Responsive grid for K2 No Resize for Mobile Phone Android Note 5

Galal GoughPosted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago
 Works great; however, when viewing on Note5 or other android phone (not tablet) the pictures do not resize for mobile view. I have adjusted settings but can not figure out what needs to be changed. Only one post should show, just like K2 module displays on mobile. Help is appreciated.


1 answer

MinitekPosted 8 years agoModerator
Hi Galal,

This is a problem with your template, not with the module.

You have placed the module inside a div with class: sppb-row-container, that has a width of 1240px, even on mobile devices, therefore the module will always have a width of 1240px.

You must place the module inside a responsive div.