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Update from Joomla 3 to 4

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year agoEdited 1 year ago
Joomla! Extensions - Professional Subscription

Dear support team,

all pages that do not contain a Minitek extension are working properly.

For example:

This error message appears on all other pages. 
Failed opening required '/var/www/vhosts/' (include_path='.:/opt/plesk/php/8.2/share/pear')

Can you please help me?

Thank you very much! C. Jeßner



18 answers

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi there,

For Minitek Live Search, you must uninstall v3 and then install v4.

Minitek Live Search for Joomla 4 is a completely different extension than the one for Joomla 3, so unintalling the previous version is mandatory.

For all other Minitek extensions, you can just install the v4 version over the v3 version (without uninstalling).

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago

Dear Support Team,

I have now installed the Minitek components and modules for Joomla 4. Unfortunately, I get error messages in both the front end and the back end. Could you please help me with this?

Many greetings - Claudia Jeßner

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi there,

I'm going to need access to the back-end in order to figure this out.

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year agoEdited 1 year ago


MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

I have updated all Minitek extensions. It should be ok now. You may need to open and save the Minitek Wall and Slider widgets however so that all new parameters are saved.

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago

I try to open and save the widgets. But it failed. I get a message. Can you help me. 

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

That's because you must install and publish the source plugins. It's all described in the documentation.

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago

Dear support team!

Which plugins should I install and activate? Please send me the link in the documentation where it is described. I have been a customer of yours for 5 years and I really hope you will help me. 

Kind regards - Claudia Jeßner

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

You can find instructions for the source plugins at this page.

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago

Dear support team,

I have installed all source plugins and opened and saved all widgets.  The backend works normally, but on the home page I get an error message. 

Could you please help me with this?

Kind regards - Claudia Jeßner


Failed opening required '/var/www/web2/html/joomla4/components/com_content/router.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php/8.0.20/share/pear')

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi Claudia,

Can you please send me FTP access? I can look into it today.

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago


User: web2
Password: hakspittal

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

I disabled all Minitek Wall modules, but the error is still there. Can you please remove all modules from the home page?

How do you load the modules in the page?

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year agoEdited 1 year ago

I have disabled all moduls in the home page. The modules are loaded with the Page Builder from Joomshapers.  I am using the Medico template from Joomshapers. 

Thanks for the help - Claudia 

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Can you also please remove the modules from the Page builder completely?

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago

I just have another problem with the template upgrade. I will get back to you! Thanks for now

Claudia JessnerPosted 1 year ago

Dear support team,

I have switched to a different web server. I have carried out the migration from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4. Now I am trying to install the Minitek Wall, but unfortunately I get an error message.  Could you please help me?

Access data:
user: admin
password: DimLbHAK15

user: dg4xcr95
password: hakspittal

Many thanks and best regards - Claudia

MinitekPosted 1 year agoModerator

Hi Claudia,

I have installed it for you and now it should be ok.

For future issues, please open a new ticket as this ticket has addressed multiple different issues for different components and it is difficult to track it.